Summer Truffle

Tuber aestivum vittadini

Widely known as Scorzone, is one of the less precious truffles. Gleba is hazel and more or less yellowish in ripe truffles, and often even lighter, and it has many whitish veins of varying thickness, ramified and joined together. The rugged surface is completely covered in pyramidal wart

Average Weight2 oz-18 oz
Average Size1 inch-10 inches
Harvest Seasonfrom May to November
Harvest RegionPiedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise
Symbiotic Plantsgenerally Turkey oak, downy oak, common hazel, black and white hornbeam, English oak, oak, beech, black pine, poplar



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